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International Franchise

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a public research university specialising is science, technology and engineering. Since 1975, UTM prides itself of producing engineers, technicians, scientist, technologists, educators, architects, quantity surveyor, managers and other change makers for Malaysia and the global community.

As UTM embarks on expansion abroad through transnational education, it welcomes universities and colleges to be part of this exciting and transformative journey as its institutional partner.

What is


Transnational Education (TNE) aims to give students the opportunity to study for a degree in another country without having to leave their own country. Franchise, mobility, joint degree, articulation, research activities, and others are examples of TNE models. We are now focused on franchise opportunity for Foundation, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree and also Master’s Degree.

Our Services

The awarding institution (UTM) is agrees to allow Partner Institutions in other countries to operate, deliver, and partially evaluate academic programmes (franchisees). As a result, the awarding institution (UTM) is solely responsible for the franchised program’s quality assurance. The franchised curriculum must be identical to that of the awarding institution’s (UTM) academic programme. The awarding institution (UTM) remains responsible for the standards of awards and quality assurance of the programme. The certification will be awarded by the awarding institution (UTM).


Remote Programme

Dual Degree

Joint Degree

Double Degree

Exchange and Student Mobility


Concept and Implementation

Quality of Learning

International Franchise

Basically, any Higher Education Institution given the permission to conduct UTM Academic Programmes is fully responsible towards the management of the programmes at its own premise. This responsibility includes lecturers/teachers, infrastructure, teaching equipment and other equipment necessary for the teaching and learning process. The Collaborative Centres are also responsible for student recruitment and student welfare during their studies under the centres.

However, only students who have been verified and certified by UTM will be admitted to the programme. All students enrolled in this programme are considered as students of Private Higher Education Institution.

For every academic session, convocation for Collaborative Diploma/Degree Programmes will be fully handled by UTM, and will be held at the UTM Skudai campus. Graduates of this programme have either successfully furthered their studies or getting employed in public or private sectors.


  • Curriculum and Syllabus

The programmes fully adopt UTM curriculum and syllabus.

  • Intermediary Language

Bahasa Melayu is used as the intermediary language for the courses.

  • Student Personality Development

Learning includes co-curricular, sports and social activities.


  • Entry Requirements

Entry requirements are subject to conditions set and applied by UTM.

  • Entry Process

Both Private and Public Higher Education Institutions are responsible for the selection and intakes of students as according to the criteria set by UTM. Any advertisements on intakes for the Collaborative Programme must have prior approval from UTM.

  • Student Registration

The Private/Public Higher Education Institution will manage the administrative affairs, admission records, course registration and courses (subjects) enrolment.

  • Students’ Status

All students under the Collaborative Programme are considered as the students of the higher education institution they enrolled under.


The Collaborative Programme will apply the Semester System as implemented in UTM.

  • Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations and Examination Regulations set for the UTM Collaborative Programme will be implemented.

  • Assessment System

At every semester, academic achievement is assessed by combining coursework marks (40%) and final examination (60%).

  • Coursework

Coursework consists of assignments, quizzes, tests, lab/studio and field work conducted by the private/public higher education institution respectively under the supervision of UTM.

  • Final Examinations

UTM will prepare question papers, will supervise and invigilate final examinations which will be held at the Private/Public Higher Education Institution premises.

  • Academic Results

The UTM Senate will process and verify the students’ examination results and academic achievements each semester.


The UTM Senate has the rights to award any achievements by the students. UTM will conduct any certificate presentation ceremony.

  • Academic Transcript

UTM will issue the results slips and final academic transcripts.


Private Higher Education Institutions have the rights to determine the tuition fees subject to the approval of the Higher Education Ministry.

The quality of the education under this programme is guaranteed to be equivalent of the Prime Programmes offered at the UTM Campus. The management of the Collaborative Programme Academic affairs is handled according to the Collaborative Centres Academic Regulations and Calendar, as set by UTM. UTM is responsible for the preparation of syllabus and curriculum as well as the assessment of students’ achievement, while the Collaborative Centres manage the lectures’ subject to the UTM Collaborative Centres Academic Regulations and other applied regulations.

To ensure the quality of education at the Collaborative Programmes, UTM conducts monitoring activities before and during lecture. A series Quality Validation visits and tours is done by UTM from time to time to ensure that the Collaborative Centres are in compliance with the academic standards set by UTM.

At every semester, an Assessment and Teaching Workshop will be held which must be attended by the academic staff of Collaborative Centres. UTM will also ensure that all lecturers and instructors of the programmes possess the appropriate qualifications. Apart from managing the preparation of the final examination papers and marking schemes, UTM is also responsible for the checking of examination answer sheets, scoring and results processing. UTM fully validates and awards Diploma Certificate.

The Collaborative Centres are responsible to obtain the quality control approval from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency” (MQA) to ensure the quality of the programmes offered at each Collaborative Centres. Certain programmes offered are also recognised by the Public Service Department (PSD).

Frequently Ask Questions

1. What is the minimum requirement to apply for UTM programmes?
  • Have passed the SPM/SPMV examinations
  • Achieve a Credit in Bahasa Melayu
  • Have passed Mathematics subject
  • Obtained credits in any 2 subjects.
2. Why are the requirements minimal?

To enable SPM students with few credits to further studies in Private Higher Education Institutions that collaborates with UTM.

To produce more graduates with technological skills required by the industry.

3. Which body will issue the certification?

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

4. Where will the convocation ceremony be held?

Convocation ceremonies will be held at the UTM Campus in Skudai. UTM will issue an invitation letter directly to graduates.

5. Is the diploma recognised by MQA and PSD?

Students who excelled their Diploma can apply to further their studies in Private Higher Education Institutions. They may apply to UTM Programmes, however, places are limited and they are evaluated based in academic and curriculum achievements.

6. What is the duration of studies?

3 years which is equivalent to 6 semesters. Students are allowed extension up to 12 semesters.

7. What is the tuition fees per semester?

Tuition fees are set by the Collaborative Centres depending on the facilities, infrastructure, accommodation, transport and food (if any).

8. What are the education loans provided and how do I apply for the loan?

The Collaborative Centre will assist eligible students in applying loans from MARA Fund, PTPTN, State Foundation, Pusat Zakat and others.

9. What are the requirements to apply for MARA/PTPTM loans?

The Collaborative Centre will assist eligible students in applying loans from MARA Fund, PTPTN, State Foundation, Pusat Zakat and others.

10. Are the syllabus and scoring system prepared by the Collaborative Centres or by UTM?

Depending on Diploma programmes: – Syllabus and the scoring system are set by UTM.

Questions of the final exam are prepared by UTM.

Examination answer scripts are created by UTM.

11. Are the course works similar to students in UTM?

Certain Diploma course syllabus is the same as the ones used for UTM Diploma courses.

12. What are the experience and qualifications of the lecturers/instructors at the Collaborative Centres?

Lecturers/instructors teaching at Diploma level must at least possess a degree from a recognised university and in compliance with guidelines set by MQA and UTM.

13. If a student failed a certain course, how many times would he be able to retake the course?

The student is able to retake the course until he passes.

14. Which channel can the students follow upon graduation?

Students can further their studies to degree level at any local higher education institutions throughout Malaysia or abroad. Students can also choose to pursue employment.

15. What are the chances of getting employed with the certification received by the UTM Collaborative Centre programmes?

The chances depend on individual’s academic performance and attitude.

Eagerness to apply and impart knowledge and technology gained also play some roles.

16. Which Collaborative Centres are recommended by UTM?

Choice is up to individual’s preference such as facilities, infrastructure, accommodation, transport and food (if any) which are provided by the Collaborative Centres.